Back to School Safety
August 17, 2021
It’s that time of year for the kiddos to go back to school! Don’t worry, we’ll wait while you do your happy dances (and we won’t tell the kids)!
Luckily, Per Mar makes it easy to check in on your kiddos while they are home alone. That window between school and work letting out is most common but considering snow days or childcare arrangements falling through, there can be a number of reasons you find yourself worrying about their safety while unsupervised.
We’ve got a few ideas that can give you and them peace of mind.
1. Visual and Audio Video Cameras
Using HD video camera technology allows you, the parents, to view live or recorded video, speak to your children and get alerts if anything seems awry in or around the house. Not only that, with video doorbells, you can see who is coming to the door and instruct your children which should be answered and which should not. As an added bonus, video can also be used to check on your pets, too!
2. Practice Makes Habit
Consider a practice run of staying home alone, starting with smaller chunks of time. See how your kid(s) do with half an hour, then an hour of home alone time. Practice calling 911, locking and unlocking the doors, and knowing what’s off-limits in the house (especially in the kitchen). Teach them how to respond to things such as a fire, smoke alarm, severe weather, a knock at the door, a phone call from an unknown person, and/or a power outage. Quiz your child often so that it becomes second nature!
3. Keep Them Occupied
Children are less likely to be scared or get into trouble if they are occupied. Set up constructive activities for them while you’re away. Of course, most kids love screen time but setting out puzzles and board games might encourage some old-school fun! You can also create activities that will engulf them such as a scavenger hunt around the house or arts and crafts. To structure their time and give them added peace of mind, consider scheduling check-in calls.
4. Ensure Everyone Knows How to Operate the Home Security System
Everyone in the household should be familiar with your home security system. Your kids should know how to arm and disarm it and what to do should an event occur. If your system is not monitored, do they know how to call 911? We always recommend 24/7 monitoring for your home, that way, the authorities are called automatically and immediately regardless of who is home (or not home).
5. Carbon Monoxide Detectors
CO is the silent killer, so securing your home with carbon monoxide detectors is a good move. We always recommend having them monitored 24/7 for the utmost safety. In the event of a fire or CO leak, our monitoring professionals will dispatch first responders to your home immediately.
For so long, many families were quarantined in the home together and many of these issues were not a concern. Now, it’s time to get back in the groove of crazy schedules and child-rearing with working parents.
We’re here to keep your home – and your kids – Per Mar protected. Give us a call to learn more about indoor security cameras or video doorbells to make your work-life balance possible and more sustainable.